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Farm Fresh

Above: Shawna Runyan with FARMesilla's cornucopia. Photographs by Douglas Merriam. The arid lands that stretch across the southern part of our state don’t necessarily evoke visions of agricultural…

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Stay Current

Above: Casey Farina's Vestiges features a choreographed dance. Photograph Courtesy of Currents New Media. A hanging forest of Korean paper that sounds like an ocean when you press your ear against…

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Antique Imagery

Above: A Platinum-Palladium print from a Bostick & Sullivan printing workshop. Photograph by Inga Hendrickson. Chiara Brandi carries the piece of paper flat, barely clasping its hand-torn edges, as if…

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Quw’utsun’ Made

Above: Quw'utsun' Made. Photograph by Inga Hendrickson. A descendant of the Quw’utsun’/Cowichan tribe of Vancouver Island and a keeper of their ways, Arianna Johnny-Wadsworth founded Quw’utsun’ Made…

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Tesuque Summer

Above: Illustration by Brett Affrunti. NEARLY FOUR DECADES AGO, I moved to New Mexico very much for winter—as a place to ski, to schuss down slopes above Santa Fe and Taos, and to enjoy hearty dishes…

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Above: Illustration by Brett Affrunti. The realization often hits me around dusk, as the water travels through the acequia and the embers in the campfire crackle. From their lair down by the Pecos…

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Go High

Above: Illustration by Brett Affrunti. I DREAD SUMMER. Summer is to southern New Mexicans as winter is to Chicagoans: a perfectly legitimate excuse for staying indoors. Daylight saving is on; the…

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Ode to Pecos

Above: Illustration by Brett Affrunti. THE DOLL IS AS TALL AS ME, a girl on a patch of lush green grass. I talk to her and she talks back. A lone peacock ambles, wails, and dandies about. I barely…

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Above: Illustration by Brett Affrunti. LATE-1980S MIDSUMMER EVENINGS we would go irrigate the fields. Mama and Stepdad shoved their shovels into the bed of the dusty green 1952 Willys truck, the…

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The Fisher’s Fisherman

Above: Norman Maktima fly-fishing in the Pecos River. Photographs by Andrew Kornylak. THE RÍO CHAMA FLOWS cold and green below Abiquiú Dam, north of Española. Some of us might look at the river and…

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