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Chama Goes Full Steam Ahead

FROM WHERE WE STAND in a grassy basin, brush conceals the herd of cattle, but when the Trout Stalker Ranch manager calls them with a trilling prrr, cows moo back. The herd plods down the slope and…

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This Rattler Has A Tall Tail

FEW PEOPLE LIVE IN RODEO, a small town between Arizona’s Chiricahua and New Mexico’s Peloncillo mountains. But it’s rattlesnake paradise. “There are probably more rattlesnakes, more species, per…

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The Gals Go Fishin’

As a part of New Mexico Magazine's centennial celebration, we'll be looking back at some of the stories from the past 100 years. This story appeared in the August 1942 edition. WHATEVER REASONS WE…

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Five Things to Do This Weekend

1 Join the party of the century. Hundredth birthdays call for a party, and this weekend’s Santa Fe Indian Market gets the big-bash treatment for reaching its 100th year as the nation’s premier Native…

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Marla Allison Colors New Worlds

“I AM FROM LAGUNA PUEBLO, so I paint Laguna Pueblo,” says Marla Allison, though her influences span from Hopi and Laguna pottery designs to the modernism of Paul Klee and Pablo Picasso. Art lovers in…

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